Как правильно упакавать мод.

Версия Minecraft
Всем привет!
У меня тут одна проблема есть. Проблема в том что у меня есть модуль и его не могу упаковать (через shadow jar делал нечего не получилось). Просто берет не появляется. Можете пожалуйста помочь с этой ошибкой?

UPD: Вот сам gradle:
Gradle (Groovy):
buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url = 'https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven' }
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:4.0.4"

plugins {
    id 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' version '5.1.+'


apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow'
group = 'bc'
version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

java {
    archivesBaseName = 'bc'
    toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(8)

configurations {

shadowJar {
    classifier = '1.16.5'
    configurations = [project.configurations.shade]
    exclude 'com/sun/jna/**'
    relocate 'com.google', 'drpcshadow.com.google'
    relocate 'org.apache.http.entity.mime', 'somesubpackage.org.apache.http.entity.mime'

minecraft {
    // The mappings can be changed at any time and must be in the following format.
    // Channel:   Version:
    // official   MCVersion             Official field/method names from Mojang mapping files
    // parchment  YYYY.MM.DD-MCVersion  Open community-sourced parameter names and javadocs layered on top of official
    // You must be aware of the Mojang license when using the 'official' or 'parchment' mappings.
    // See more information here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MCPConfig/blob/master/Mojang.md
    // Parchment is an unofficial project maintained by ParchmentMC, separate from MinecraftForge
    // Additional setup is needed to use their mappings: https://github.com/ParchmentMC/Parchment/wiki/Getting-Started
    // Use non-default mappings at your own risk. They may not always work.
    // Simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace.
    mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20210309-1.16.5'

    // accessTransformer = file('src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg')

    // Default run configurations.
    // These can be tweaked, removed, or duplicated as needed.
    runs {
        client {
            workingDirectory project.file('run')

            // Recommended logging data for a userdev environment
            // The markers can be added/remove as needed separated by commas.
            // "SCAN": For mods scan.
            // "REGISTRIES": For firing of registry events.
            // "REGISTRYDUMP": For getting the contents of all registries.
            property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'

            // Recommended logging level for the console
            // You can set various levels here.
            // Please read: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2031163/when-to-use-the-different-log-levels
            property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'

            mods {
                bc {
                    source sourceSets.main

        server {
            workingDirectory project.file('run')

            property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'

            property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'

            mods {
                bc {
                    source sourceSets.main

        data {
            workingDirectory project.file('run')

            property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'

            property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'

            // Specify the modid for data generation, where to output the resulting resource, and where to look for existing resources.
            args '--mod', 'bc', '--all', '--output', file('src/generated/resources/'), '--existing', file('src/main/resources/')

            mods {
                bc {
                    source sourceSets.main
// Include resources generated by data generators.
sourceSets.main.resources { srcDir 'src/generated/resources' }

repositories {
    flatDir {
        dirs 'libs'
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }


    // Put repositories for dependencies here
    // ForgeGradle automatically adds the Forge maven and Maven Central for you

    // If you have mod jar dependencies in ./libs, you can declare them as a repository like so:
    // flatDir {
    //     dir 'libs'
    // }

dependencies {
    // Specify the version of Minecraft to use. If this is any group other than 'net.minecraft' it is assumed
    // that the dep is a ForgeGradle 'patcher' dependency, and its patches will be applied.
    // The userdev artifact is a special name and will get all sorts of transformations applied to it.
    minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.16.5-36.2.39'

    shade "com.google.guava:guava:30.1-jre"
    implementation fg.deobf('blank:name_module:2.0.1')
    shade 'com.github.creator:name_module:2.0.1'
    // Real mod deobf dependency examples - these get remapped to your current mappings
    // compileOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-${mc_version}:${jei_version}:api") // Adds JEI API as a compile dependency
    // runtimeOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-${mc_version}:${jei_version}") // Adds the full JEI mod as a runtime dependency
    // implementation fg.deobf("com.tterrag.registrate:Registrate:MC${mc_version}-${registrate_version}") // Adds registrate as a dependency

    // Examples using mod jars from ./libs
    // implementation fg.deobf("blank:coolmod-${mc_version}:${coolmod_version}")

    // For more info...
    // http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/artifact_dependencies_tutorial.html
    // http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/dependency_management.html
reobf {
    shadowJar  {
        dependsOn tasks.createMcpToSrg
        mappings = tasks.createMcpToSrg.outputs.files.singleFile
artifacts {
    archives tasks.shadowJar

// Example for how to get properties into the manifest for reading at runtime.
jar {
    manifest {
                "Specification-Title"     : "bc",
                //"Specification-Vendor": "bc authors",
                "Specification-Version"   : "1", // We are version 1 of ourselves
                "Implementation-Title"    : project.name,
                "Implementation-Version"  : project.jar.archiveVersion,
                //"Implementation-Vendor": "bc authors",
                'Target-Platforms': 'win32-x86-64, win32-x86, linux-x86-64, darwin',
                "Implementation-Timestamp": new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ")],)


tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
    options.encoding = 'UTF-8' // Use the UTF-8 charset for Java compilation
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