Проблемы с "запуском сборки мода"

Версия Minecraft
Начал работу над новым модом спустя где-то месяца два и столкнулся с данной проблемой. Искал ответ в интернете, но не смог. Крашится на этапе "сборки мода". Все нужные файлы ниже.
buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url = "http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven" }
    dependencies {
        classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:2.3-SNAPSHOT'
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge'
//Only edit below this line, the above code adds and enables the necessary things for Forge to be setup.

version = "1.0"
group = "com.maxfreemen.mfa" // http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-naming-conventions.html
archivesBaseName = "mfa"

sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = '1.8' // Need this here so eclipse task generates correctly.
compileJava {
    sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = '1.8'

minecraft {
    version = "1.12.2-"
    runDir = "run"
    // the mappings can be changed at any time, and must be in the following format.
    // snapshot_YYYYMMDD   snapshot are built nightly.
    // stable_#            stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team.
    // Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not always work.
    // simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace.
    mappings = "snapshot_20171003"
    // makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable.

dependencies {
    // you may put jars on which you depend on in ./libs
    // or you may define them like so..
    //compile "some.group:artifact:version:classifier"
    //compile "some.group:artifact:version"
    // real examples
    //compile 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev'  // adds buildcraft to the dev env
    //compile 'com.googlecode.efficient-java-matrix-library:ejml:0.24' // adds ejml to the dev env

    // the 'provided' configuration is for optional dependencies that exist at compile-time but might not at runtime.
    //provided 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev'

    // the deobf configurations:  'deobfCompile' and 'deobfProvided' are the same as the normal compile and provided,
    // except that these dependencies get remapped to your current MCP mappings
    //deobfCompile 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev'
    //deobfProvided 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev'

    // for more info...
    // http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/artifact_dependencies_tutorial.html
    // http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/dependency_management.html


processResources {
    // this will ensure that this task is redone when the versions change.
    inputs.property "version", project.version
    inputs.property "mcversion", project.minecraft.version

    // replace stuff in mcmod.info, nothing else
    from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
        include 'mcmod.info'
        // replace version and mcversion
        expand 'version':project.version, 'mcversion':project.minecraft.version
    // copy everything else except the mcmod.info
    from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
        exclude 'mcmod.info'

  "modid": "mfa",
  "name": "MF Apocalypse Mod",
  "description": "Modification based on Optimus0812 [Dayz Apocalypse] and my coding skills. Explore Minecraft world with new weapon and game mechanics.",
  "version": "${1.0}",
  "mcversion": "${1.12.2}",
  "url": "",
  "updateUrl": "",
  "authorList": ["Max_Freemen, Optimus0812"],
  "credits": "Optimus0812 for awesome textures&models!,
  "logoFile": "",
  "screenshots": [],
  "dependencies": []

Лог ошибки
Working Directory: C:\Users\Typical User\Documents\GitHub\MF_Apocalypse
Gradle user home: C:\Users\Typical User\.gradle
Gradle Distribution: Gradle wrapper from target build
Gradle Version: 2.14
Java Home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_231
JVM Arguments: None
Program Arguments: None
Build Scans Enabled: false
Offline Mode Enabled: false
Gradle Tasks: runClient

This mapping 'snapshot_20171003' was designed for MC 1.12! Use at your own peril.
:sourceApiJava UP-TO-DATE
:compileApiJava UP-TO-DATE
:processApiResources UP-TO-DATE
:apiClasses UP-TO-DATE
:sourceMainJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':processResources'.
[QUOTE] Could not copy file 'C:\Users\Typical User\Documents\GitHub\MF_Apocalypse\src\main\resources\mcmod.info' to 'C:\Users\Typical User\Documents\GitHub\MF_Apocalypse\build\resources\main\mcmod.info'.[/QUOTE]

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 25.15 secs
1. попробуй запустить от имени админа
2. попробуй удалить(переместить) файл mcmod.info и запустить сборку(ново же от имени админа)
Я уже пытался. Когда я убрал mcmod.info игра вообще в краши ушла. Как я выяснил, тут проблема с Gradle и mcmod.info, но не могу ее найти.


В credits забыл ", в полях version и mcversion нужно не версии писать, а переменные из build.gradle. Также, поля dependencies screenshots являлись тестовыми и не использовались нигде и никак. В поле авторов используется массив, что значит, "значение 1", "значение 2",..
  "modid": "mfa",
  "name": "MF Apocalypse Mod",
  "description": "Modification based on Optimus0812 [Dayz Apocalypse] and my coding skills. Explore Minecraft world with new weapon and game mechanics.",
  "version": "${version}",
  "mcversion": "${mcversion}",
  "authorList": ["Max_Freemen", "Optimus0812"],
  "credits": "Optimus0812 for awesome textures&models!"

Также в build.gradle, и выставляй версии в переменных аля:
inputs.property "1.0.0", project.version
inputs.property "1.12.2", project.minecraft.version

Привет, старый друг. Нежели ты свои умения растерял?

И судя с лога, не находит путь к ClientProxy, проверь пути в
@SidedProxy(clientSide = "ru.ivasik.tutorial.proxy.ClientProxy", serverSide = "ru.ivasik.tutorial.proxy.CommonProxy")
public static CommonProxy proxy;
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