Пропадает блок при объединении двух BlockSlab

Версия Minecraft
Всем привет!
Продолжаю переписывать мод MoreMaterials под 1.12.2. Добрался теперь до создания своих кастомных плит, то есть BlockSlab.
Отдельные плиты получилось сделать:


А вот когда соединяешь две такие одинаковые плиты вместе то получается такая ерунда:


Когда перезаходишь на сервер, этот блок исчезает. Если пытаешься его сломать - он исчезает без звука и дропа.
Сколько вот не смотрю разных примеров не могу понять в чём проблема. Ошибок в логах не обнаружил...
Помогите, пожалуйста, кто сталкивался с такой же проблемой и/или знает, как её исправить
package de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks;

import de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks.fence.BlockBrickFence;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks.fence.BlockBrickFenceGate;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks.slab.BlockDoubleStainedBrickSlab;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks.slab.BlockHalfStainedBrickSlab;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks.slab.BlockStainedBrickSlab;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks.wall.BlockStainedBrickWall;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.utils.ColorUtility;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.utils.WoodUtility;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBakery;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.ForgeRegistries;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;

public class BlocksRegister {
    public static Block stainedBrickBlocks = new BlockStainedBricks();

    public static Block woodenFrame = new BlockWoodenFrame();

    public static Block backslashWoodenFrame = new BlockBackslashWoodenFrame();

    public static Block crossWoodenFrame = new BlockCrossWoodenFrame();

    public static Block slashWoodenFrame = new BlockSlashWoodenFrame();

    public static Block brick_fence_black = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_black");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_black = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_black");

    public static Block brick_fence_blue = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_blue");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_blue = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_blue");

    public static Block brick_fence_brown = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_brown");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_brown = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_brown");

    public static Block brick_fence_cyan = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_cyan");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_cyan = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_cyan");

    public static Block brick_fence_gray = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_gray");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_gray = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_gray");

    public static Block brick_fence_green = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_green");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_green = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_green");

    public static Block brick_fence_light_blue = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_light_blue");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_light_blue = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_light_blue");

    public static Block brick_fence_lime = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_lime");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_lime = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_lime");

    public static Block brick_fence_magenta = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_magenta");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_magenta = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_magenta");

    public static Block brick_fence_orange = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_orange");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_orange = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_orange");

    public static Block brick_fence_pink = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_pink");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_pink = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_pink");

    public static Block brick_fence_purple = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_purple");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_purple = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_purple");

    public static Block brick_fence_red = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_red");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_red = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_red");

    public static Block brick_fence_silver = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_silver");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_silver = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_silver");

    public static Block brick_fence_white = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_white");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_white = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_white");

    public static Block brick_fence_yellow = new BlockBrickFence("brick_fence_yellow");
    public static Block brick_fence_gate_yellow = new BlockBrickFenceGate("brick_fence_gate_yellow");

    public static Block[] stainedBrickWallBlocks = new BlockStainedBrickWall[ColorUtility.COLOR_COUNT];
    public static Block[] stainedBrickSlabBlocks = new BlockStainedBrickSlab[2 * ColorUtility.COLOR_COUNT];
    public static void register()
        setRegister(stainedBrickBlocks, new ItemBlockStainedBricks(stainedBrickBlocks));
        setRegister(woodenFrame, new ItemBlockWoodenFrame(woodenFrame));
        setRegister(backslashWoodenFrame, new ItemBlockWoodenFrame(backslashWoodenFrame));
        setRegister(crossWoodenFrame, new ItemBlockWoodenFrame(crossWoodenFrame));
        setRegister(slashWoodenFrame, new ItemBlockWoodenFrame(slashWoodenFrame));

        for (int i = 0; i < ColorUtility.COLOR_COUNT; i++) {
            BlockStainedBrickWall wall = new BlockStainedBrickWall(stainedBrickBlocks, i);
            stainedBrickWallBlocks[i] = wall;
            BlockHalfStainedBrickSlab slab = new BlockHalfStainedBrickSlab(i);
            BlockDoubleStainedBrickSlab doubleSlab = new BlockDoubleStainedBrickSlab(i);
            stainedBrickSlabBlocks[2 * i] = slab;
            stainedBrickSlabBlocks[2 * i + 1] = doubleSlab;
            setRegister(slab, new ItemSlab(slab, slab, doubleSlab));


    public static void registerRender()
        setRender(stainedBrickBlocks, ColorUtility.COLOR_COUNT, ColorUtility.COLOR_IDS);
        setRender(woodenFrame, WoodUtility.WOOD_TYPE_COUNT, WoodUtility.WOOD_TYPE_IDS);
        setRender(backslashWoodenFrame, WoodUtility.WOOD_TYPE_COUNT, WoodUtility.WOOD_TYPE_IDS);
        setRender(crossWoodenFrame, WoodUtility.WOOD_TYPE_COUNT, WoodUtility.WOOD_TYPE_IDS);
        setRender(slashWoodenFrame, WoodUtility.WOOD_TYPE_COUNT, WoodUtility.WOOD_TYPE_IDS);

















        for (int i = 0; i < stainedBrickWallBlocks.length; i++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < stainedBrickSlabBlocks.length; i++) {

    private static void setRegister(Block block)
        ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.register(new ItemBlock(block).setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()));

    public static void setRegister(Block block, ItemBlock itemBlock)

    private static void setRender(Block block)
        Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(block.getRegistryName(), "inventory"));
                new ModelResourceLocation(
                        "morematerials:" + block.getRegistryName(),
                        "variant=" + block.getRegistryName()));

    private static void setRender(Block block, int meta_count, String[] meta_name)
        for (int i = 0; i < meta_count; i++) {
            Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), i, new ModelResourceLocation(block.getRegistryName() + "_" + meta_name[i], "inventory"));
                    new ModelResourceLocation(
                            "morematerials:" + block.getRegistryName(),
                            "variant=" + block.getRegistryName() + "_" + meta_name[i]));

 * Copyright (C) Jon Rowlett. All rights reserved.
package de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks.slab;

import de.shittyco.morematerials.MoreMaterialsMod;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.utils.ColorUtility;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.utils.GameUtility;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab;
import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.block.properties.IProperty;
import net.minecraft.block.properties.PropertyBool;
import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;

 * A slab or double slab of stained bricks of a certain color.
 * @author jrowlett
public abstract class BlockStainedBrickSlab extends BlockSlab {
     * The property used for the variant.
     * Needed for interactions with ItemSlab.
    private static final PropertyBool VARIANT_PROPERTY = PropertyBool.create("variant");

     * The ID for the registry.
    private static final String ID = "stained_bricks_slab";

     * The unlocalized name.
    private static final String NAME = "stainedBricksSlab";

     * Hardness value for the material.
    private static final float HARDNESS = 2.0f;

     * Resistance value for the material.
    private static final float RESISTANCE = 10.0f;

     * The bit in metadata used by the half property.
    private static final int HALF_META_BIT = 8;

     * Color - normally stored in metadata, but slabs need the meta.
    private int color;

     * Sound when placing the block
    private static SoundType soundType;

     * Initializes a new instance of the BlockStainedBrickSlab class.
     * @param brickColor the color of the stain from 0-15.
    public BlockStainedBrickSlab(int brickColor) {
        this.color = brickColor;
        setUnlocalizedName(NAME + '_' + ColorUtility.COLOR_NAMES[this.color]);

        IBlockState blockState = this.blockState.getBaseState();
        blockState = blockState.withProperty(VARIANT_PROPERTY, false);
        if (!this.isDouble()) {
            blockState = blockState.withProperty(HALF, EnumBlockHalf.BOTTOM);

        this.useNeighborBrightness = !this.isDouble();
     * Gets the unlocalized name based on metadata/damage.
     * @param metadata block metadata.
     * @return the unlocalized name.
    public String getUnlocalizedName(int metadata) {
        return this.getUnlocalizedName();
     * Gets the variant property.
     * @return the variant property null.
    public IProperty getVariantProperty() {
        return VARIANT_PROPERTY;
     * Gets the value of the variant property based on the item.
     * @param itemStack item stack.
     * @return the variant value null.
    //public final Object getVariant(final ItemStack itemStack) {
    //return false;
    public Comparable<?> getTypeForItem(ItemStack stack) {
        return false;

     * Gets the damage for the block's item when dropped.
     * @param state the block's state.
     * @return the metadata or color value.
    public int damageDropped(IBlockState state) {
        return 0;
     * Gets a block state from metadata.
     * @param meta the metadata or color value.
     * @return a block state with the meta encoded as the variant property.
    public IBlockState getStateFromMeta(int meta) {
        IBlockState blockState = this.getDefaultState();
        blockState = blockState.withProperty(VARIANT_PROPERTY, false);
        if (!this.isDouble()) {
            EnumBlockHalf value = EnumBlockHalf.BOTTOM;
            if ((meta & HALF_META_BIT) != 0) {
                value = EnumBlockHalf.TOP;

            blockState = blockState.withProperty(HALF, value);

        return blockState;
     * Gets the metadata value from a block state.
     * @param state the block state.
     * @return the metadata or color value.
    public int getMetaFromState(IBlockState state) {
        if (this.isDouble()) {
            return 0;

        if ((EnumBlockHalf) state.getValue(HALF) == EnumBlockHalf.TOP) {
            return HALF_META_BIT;
        } else {
            return 0;
     * Gets the item dropped when the block is broken.
     * @param blockState the block's state.
     * @param random the random number generator
     * @param unused an integer.
     * @return the half slab item.
    public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState blockState, java.util.Random random, int unused) {
        String blockId = this.innerGetId(false);
        return GameUtility.getItemFromBlock(blockId);

     * Creates the block state object.
     * @return the block state with properties defined.
    protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState() {
        if (this.isDouble())
            return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] {VARIANT_PROPERTY});
            return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] {VARIANT_PROPERTY, HALF});
     * Gets the ID for the game registry.
     * @return the unique id for the registry.
    public String getId() {
        return this.innerGetId(this.isDouble());

     * Gets the ID of the block.
     * @param isDoubleStacked override the isDouble() method.
     * @return the unique block id.
    private String innerGetId(final boolean isDoubleStacked) {
        String result = "";
        if (isDoubleStacked) {
            result = "double_";

        return result + ID + '_' + ColorUtility.COLOR_IDS[this.color];

     * Gets the item dropped when the block is broken.
     * @param world the world
     * @param blockPos the block position.
     * @return the item dropped, the half slab.
    public final net.minecraft.item.Item getItem(
        final net.minecraft.world.World world,
        final net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos blockPos,
        BlockStateContainer blockState) {
        String blockId = this.innerGetId(false);
        return GameUtility.getItemFromBlock(blockId);

     * Call on init to register the icons for inventory.
     * @param proxy the proxy to register the models.
    public final void registerModels(final CommonProxy proxy) {
        Item itemBlock = GameUtility.getItemFromBlock(
            "morematerials:" + this.getId());

 * Copyright (C) Jon Rowlett. All rights reserved.
package de.shittyco.morematerials.utils;

 * Common Definitions and helpers for color.
 * @author jrowlett
public final class ColorUtility {

     * Common color names (unlocalized) indexed by item damage.
    public static final String[] COLOR_NAMES = new String[] {

     * Count of total colors.
    public static final int COLOR_COUNT = COLOR_NAMES.length;

     * Common color tags used for icon name lookup indexed by item damage.
    public static final String[] COLOR_IDS = new String[] {

     * Prevent instantiation of the ColorUtility class.
    private ColorUtility() {

blockstate: double_stained_bricks_slab_black.json:
    "variants": {
        "variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:stained_bricks_block_black" },
        "variant=true":    { "model": "morematerials:stained_bricks_block_black" }

blockstate: stained_bricks_slab_black.json:
    "variants": {
        "half=bottom,variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:slab/half_slab_stained_bricks_black" },
        "half=top,variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:slab/upper_slab_stained_bricks_black" }

model (block): half_slab_stained_bricks_black.json:
    "parent": "block/half_slab",
    "textures": {
        "bottom": "morematerials:blocks/stained_bricks_block_black",
        "top": "morematerials:blocks/stained_bricks_block_black",
        "side": "morematerials:blocks/stained_bricks_block_black"

model (block): upper_slab_stained_bricks_black.json:
    "parent": "block/upper_slab",
    "textures": {
        "bottom": "morematerials:blocks/stained_bricks_block_black",
        "top": "morematerials:blocks/stained_bricks_block_black",
        "side": "morematerials:blocks/stained_bricks_block_black"

model (item): stained_bricks_slab_black.json:
    "parent": "morematerials:block/slab/half_slab_stained_bricks_black",
    "display": {
        "thirdperson": {
            "rotation": [ 10, -45, 170 ],
            "translation": [ 0, 1.5, -2.75 ],
            "scale": [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ]
blockstate: stained_bricks_slab_black.json:
    "variants": {
        "half=bottom,variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:slab/half_slab_stained_bricks_black" },
        "half=top,variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:slab/upper_slab_stained_bricks_black" },
        "half=double,variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:stained_bricks_block_black" }
blockstate: stained_bricks_slab_black.json:
"variants": {
"half=bottom,variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:slab/half_slab_stained_bricks_black" },
"half=top,variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:slab/upper_slab_stained_bricks_black" },
"half=double,variant=false": { "model": "morematerials:stained_bricks_block_black" }

Это не помогло. У меня есть подозрения что этот блок тоже нужно как-то регистрировать. Но он же не должен появиться в инвентаре креатива, так как это будет дубль обычного блока
Это все тот же блок, просто в состоянии half он должен выглядеть также как и полный блок
protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState() {
if (this.isDouble())
return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] {VARIANT_PROPERTY});
return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] {VARIANT_PROPERTY, HALF});
В чем смысл? Двойная плита по идее должен быть тем же блоком, а не другим. А isDouble может меняться только со сменой блока
Последнее редактирование:
Называется, сам спросил, сам ответил)
В общем, нашёл, где была проблема. А именно в классе BlockStainedBrickSlab.class. Нужно было добавить строку ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.register(this); в конец конструктора класса, поменять непонятные мне variants с PropertyBool на PropertyEnum и изменить связанные с ними методы:
* Copyright (C) Jon Rowlett. All rights reserved.
package de.shittyco.morematerials.blocks.slab;

import de.shittyco.morematerials.MoreMaterialsMod;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.utils.ColorUtility;
import de.shittyco.morematerials.utils.GameUtility;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab;
import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.block.properties.IProperty;
import net.minecraft.block.properties.PropertyBool;
import net.minecraft.block.properties.PropertyEnum;
import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.IStringSerializable;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.ForgeRegistries;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;

[*]A slab or double slab of stained bricks of a certain color.
[*]@author jrowlett
public abstract class BlockStainedBrickSlab extends BlockSlab {
     * The property used for the variant.
     * Needed for interactions with ItemSlab.
    //private static final PropertyBool VARIANT_PROPERTY = PropertyBool.create("variant");
    public static final PropertyEnum<Variant> VARIANT = PropertyEnum.<Variant>create("variant", Variant.class);

     * The ID for the registry.
    private static final String ID = "stained_bricks_slab";

     * The unlocalized name.
    private static final String NAME = "stainedBricksSlab";

     * Hardness value for the material.
    private static final float HARDNESS = 2.0f;

     * Resistance value for the material.
    private static final float RESISTANCE = 10.0f;

     * The bit in metadata used by the half property.
    private static final int HALF_META_BIT = 8;

     * Color - normally stored in metadata, but slabs need the meta.
    private int color;

     * Sound when placing the block
    private static SoundType soundType;

     * Initializes a new instance of the BlockStainedBrickSlab class.
     * @param brickColor the color of the stain from 0-15.
    public BlockStainedBrickSlab(int brickColor) {
        this.color = brickColor;
        setUnlocalizedName(NAME + '_' + ColorUtility.COLOR_NAMES[this.color]);
        this.useNeighborBrightness = !this.isDouble();

        IBlockState state = this.blockState.getBaseState().withProperty(VARIANT, Variant.DEFAULT);
        if(!this.isDouble()) state = state.withProperty(HALF, EnumBlockHalf.BOTTOM);


     * Gets the unlocalized name based on metadata/damage.
     * @param metadata block metadata.
     * @return the unlocalized name.
    public String getUnlocalizedName(int metadata) {
        return this.getUnlocalizedName();

     * Gets the variant property.
     * @return the variant property null.
    public IProperty getVariantProperty() {
        return VARIANT;

     * Gets the value of the variant property based on the item.
     * @param itemStack item stack.
     * @return the variant value null.
    public Comparable<?> getTypeForItem(ItemStack stack) {
        //return false;
        return Variant.DEFAULT;

    public static enum Variant implements IStringSerializable

        public String getName() {
            return "default";

     * Gets the damage for the block's item when dropped.
     * @param state the block's state.
     * @return the metadata or color value.
    public int damageDropped(IBlockState state) {
        return 0;

     * Gets a block state from metadata.
     * @param meta the metadata or color value.
     * @return a block state with the meta encoded as the variant property.
    public IBlockState getStateFromMeta(int meta) {
        IBlockState state = this.blockState.getBaseState().withProperty(VARIANT, Variant.DEFAULT);

        if (!this.isDouble()) {
            EnumBlockHalf value = EnumBlockHalf.BOTTOM;
            if ((meta & 8) != 0) value = EnumBlockHalf.TOP;

            state = state.withProperty(HALF, value);

        return state;

     * Gets the metadata value from a block state.
     * @param state the block state.
     * @return the metadata or color value.
    public int getMetaFromState(IBlockState state) {
        int meta = 0;
        if(!this.isDouble() && state.getValue(HALF) == EnumBlockHalf.TOP) meta |= 8; 
        return meta;

     * Gets the item dropped when the block is broken.
     * @param blockState the block's state.
     * @param random the random number generator
     * @param unused an integer.
     * @return the half slab item.
    public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState blockState, java.util.Random random, int unused) {
        String blockId = this.innerGetId(false);
        return GameUtility.getItemFromBlock(blockId);

     * Creates the block state object.
     * @return the block state with properties defined.
    protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState() {
            return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] {VARIANT, HALF});
            return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] {VARIANT});

     * Gets the ID for the game registry.
     * @return the unique id for the registry.
    public String getId() {
        return this.innerGetId(this.isDouble());

     * Gets the ID of the block.
     * @param isDoubleStacked override the isDouble() method.
     * @return the unique block id.
    private String innerGetId(final boolean isDoubleStacked) {
        String result = "";
        if (isDoubleStacked) {
            result = "double_";

        return result + ID + '_' + ColorUtility.COLOR_IDS[this.color];

Ну и, соответственно, изменил blockstates:
        "variant=default": { "model": "morematerials:stained_bricks_block_black" }

        "half=bottom,variant=default": { "model": "morematerials:slab/half_slab_stained_bricks_black" },
        "half=top,variant=default": { "model": "morematerials:slab/upper_slab_stained_bricks_black" }

Может кому поможет, кто столкнётся с такими же сложностями
Кстати, в учебнике очень мало инфы о состояниях блока. Там только про PropertyBool говорится, про остальные ничего нет, пришлось искать на других ресурсах, в основном зарубежных
Последнее редактирование: