Настройка голода

Версия Minecraft
Как сделать что бы голод всегда был на середине, то есть не тратился и не пополнялся. А вместо того что бы пополнялись окороки, когда ешь, пополнялись сердца?
Я уже нашел, но спасибо, однако что бы здесь поменять
package net.minecraft.src;

public class FoodStats
    /** The player's food level. */
    private int foodLevel = 20;

    /** The player's food saturation. */
    private float foodSaturationLevel = 5.0F;

    /** The player's food exhaustion. */
    private float foodExhaustionLevel;

    /** The player's food timer value. */
    private int foodTimer = 0;
    private int prevFoodLevel = 20;

     * Args: int foodLevel, float foodSaturationModifier
    public void addStats(int par1, float par2)
        this.foodLevel = Math.min(par1 + this.foodLevel, 20);
        this.foodSaturationLevel = Math.min(this.foodSaturationLevel + (float)par1 * par2 * 2.0F, (float)this.foodLevel);

     * Eat some food.
    public void addStats(ItemFood par1ItemFood)
        this.addStats(par1ItemFood.getHealAmount(), par1ItemFood.getSaturationModifier());

     * Handles the food game logic.
    public void onUpdate(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
        int var2 = par1EntityPlayer.worldObj.difficultySetting;
        this.prevFoodLevel = this.foodLevel;

        if (this.foodExhaustionLevel > 4.0F)
            this.foodExhaustionLevel -= 4.0F;

            if (this.foodSaturationLevel > 0.0F)
                this.foodSaturationLevel = Math.max(this.foodSaturationLevel - 1.0F, 0.0F);
            else if (var2 > 0)
                this.foodLevel = Math.max(this.foodLevel - 1, 0);

        if (this.foodLevel >= 18 && par1EntityPlayer.shouldHeal())

            if (this.foodTimer >= 80)
                this.foodTimer = 0;
        else if (this.foodLevel <= 0)

            if (this.foodTimer >= 80)
                if (par1EntityPlayer.getHealth() > 10 || var2 >= 3 || par1EntityPlayer.getHealth() > 1 && var2 >= 2)
                    par1EntityPlayer.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.starve, 1);

                this.foodTimer = 0;
            this.foodTimer = 0;

     * Reads food stats from an NBT object.
    public void readNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
        if (par1NBTTagCompound.hasKey("foodLevel"))
            this.foodLevel = par1NBTTagCompound.getInteger("foodLevel");
            this.foodTimer = par1NBTTagCompound.getInteger("foodTickTimer");
            this.foodSaturationLevel = par1NBTTagCompound.getFloat("foodSaturationLevel");
            this.foodExhaustionLevel = par1NBTTagCompound.getFloat("foodExhaustionLevel");

     * Writes food stats to an NBT object.
    public void writeNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
        par1NBTTagCompound.setInteger("foodLevel", this.foodLevel);
        par1NBTTagCompound.setInteger("foodTickTimer", this.foodTimer);
        par1NBTTagCompound.setFloat("foodSaturationLevel", this.foodSaturationLevel);
        par1NBTTagCompound.setFloat("foodExhaustionLevel", this.foodExhaustionLevel);

     * Get the player's food level.
    public int getFoodLevel()
        return this.foodLevel;

    public int getPrevFoodLevel()
        return this.prevFoodLevel;

     * If foodLevel is not max.
    public boolean needFood()
        return this.foodLevel < 20;

     * adds input to foodExhaustionLevel to a max of 40
    public void addExhaustion(float par1)
        this.foodExhaustionLevel = Math.min(this.foodExhaustionLevel + par1, 40.0F);

     * Get the player's food saturation level.
    public float getSaturationLevel()
        return this.foodSaturationLevel;

    public void setFoodLevel(int par1)
        this.foodLevel = par1;

    public void setFoodSaturationLevel(float par1)
        this.foodSaturationLevel = par1;
Чтобы восполняло хп вместо голода: хук в ItemFood#onItemUseFinish и прибавляй хп.

А без хуков можно в том же апдейте сделать: запоминать сытость предыдущего тика, если изменение сытости положительное, то добавлять ее к хп
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package net.minecraft.src;

public class ItemFood extends Item
    /** Number of ticks to run while 'EnumAction'ing until result. */
    public final int itemUseDuration;

    /** The amount this food item heals the player. */
    private final int healAmount;
    private final float saturationModifier;

    /** Whether wolves like this food (true for raw and cooked porkchop). */
    private final boolean isWolfsFavoriteMeat;

     * If this field is true, the food can be consumed even if the player don't need to eat.
    private boolean alwaysEdible;

     * represents the potion effect that will occurr upon eating this food. Set by setPotionEffect
    private int potionId;
    private int treatment;

    /** set by setPotionEffect */
    private int potionDuration;

    /** set by setPotionEffect */
    private int potionAmplifier;

    /** probably of the set potion effect occurring */
    private float potionEffectProbability;

    public ItemFood(int par1, int par2, float par3, boolean par4, int par5)
        this.itemUseDuration = par5;
        this.healAmount = par2;
        this.isWolfsFavoriteMeat = par4;
        this.saturationModifier = par3;

    public ItemFood(int par1, int par2, boolean par3)
        this(par1, par2, 0.6F, par3, par2);

    public ItemStack onEaten(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
        par2World.playSoundAtEntity(par3EntityPlayer, "random.burp", 0.5F, par2World.rand.nextFloat() * 0.1F + 0.9F);
        this.onFoodEaten(par1ItemStack, par2World, par3EntityPlayer);
        return par1ItemStack;

    protected void onFoodEaten(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
        if (!par2World.isRemote && this.potionId > 0 && par2World.rand.nextFloat() < this.potionEffectProbability)
            par3EntityPlayer.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(this.potionId, this.potionDuration * 20, this.potionAmplifier));

     * How long it takes to use or consume an item
    public int getMaxItemUseDuration(ItemStack par1ItemStack)
        return 32;

     * returns the action that specifies what animation to play when the items is being used
    public EnumAction getItemUseAction(ItemStack par1ItemStack)
        return EnumAction.eat;

     * Called whenever this item is equipped and the right mouse button is pressed. Args: itemStack, world, entityPlayer
    public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
        if (par3EntityPlayer.canEat(this.alwaysEdible))
            par3EntityPlayer.setItemInUse(par1ItemStack, this.getMaxItemUseDuration(par1ItemStack));

        return par1ItemStack;

    public int getHealAmount()
        return this.healAmount;

     * gets the saturationModifier of the ItemFood
    public float getSaturationModifier()
        return this.saturationModifier;

     * Whether wolves like this food (true for raw and cooked porkchop).
    public boolean isWolfsFavoriteMeat()
        return this.isWolfsFavoriteMeat;

     * sets a potion effect on the item. Args: int potionId, int duration (will be multiplied by 20), int amplifier,
     * float probability of effect happening
    public ItemFood setPotionEffect(int par1, int par2, int par3, float par4)
        this.potionId = par1;
        this.potionDuration = par2;
        this.potionAmplifier = par3;
        this.potionEffectProbability = par4;
        return this;

     * Set the field 'alwaysEdible' to true, and make the food edible even if the player don't need to eat.
    public ItemFood setAlwaysEdible()
        this.alwaysEdible = true;
        return this;
public ItemStack onEaten(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer) { --par1ItemStack.stackSize; par3EntityPlayer.getFoodStats().addStats(this); par2World.playSoundAtEntity(par3EntityPlayer, "random.burp", 0.5F, par2World.rand.nextFloat() * 0.1F + 0.9F); this.onFoodEaten(par1ItemStack, par2World, par3EntityPlayer); return par1ItemStack; }
@WeWetko если ты вдруг не понял, че значит "хук"