Проблема с частицой

Версия Minecraft
У меня возникла проблема, что при соприкосновении двух частиц, образуется квадратная рамка которая загораживает другую частицу. Кто-то знает как починить? 2022-07-14_19.00.38.png
Вот, это код самой частицы
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.particle.Particle;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.BufferBuilder;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockRenderLayer;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;

// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* This is an example for my tutorial on custom particles.
* See: <a href="Minecraft Modding: Spawning Custom Particles">Jabelar's Custom Particle Tutorial</a>
* @author jabelar
public class FireParticle extends Particle
* Constants
private static final double GRAVITY = 0.04D;
private static final double GROUND_DECCEL = 0.7D;
private static final VertexFormat VERTEX_FORMAT = (new VertexFormat()).addElement(DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_3F).addElement(DefaultVertexFormats.TEX_2F).addElement(DefaultVertexFormats.COLOR_4UB).addElement(DefaultVertexFormats.TEX_2S).addElement(DefaultVertexFormats.NORMAL_3B).addElement(DefaultVertexFormats.PADDING_1B);

private TextureDefinitionFire TEXTURE_DEF;

* Animation-related fields
private int currentAnimationFrame = 0;
private float progress = 0.0F;
private float rotSpeed = 0.0F;
private double deccel = 0.98D;
private float initialAlpha = 1.0F;
private float finalAlpha = 1.0F;
private Color initialTint = Color.WHITE;
private Color finalTint = Color.WHITE;
private float initialScale = 0.0F;
private float finalScale = 5.0F;

private boolean enableDepth = false;

* Instantiates a new custom particle.
* @param parTexDef the tex def
* @param parWorld the world
* @param parX the X
* @param parY the Y
* @param parZ the Z
public FireParticle(
TextureDefinitionFire parTexDef,
World parWorld,
double parX, double parY, double parZ)
super(parWorld, parX, parY, parZ);
TEXTURE_DEF = parTexDef;

* Instantiates a new custom particle.
* @param parTexDef the tex def
* @param parWorld the world
* @param parX the X
* @param parY the Y
* @param parZ the Z
* @param parMotionX the motion X
* @param parMotionY the motion Y
* @param parMotionZ the motion Z
public FireParticle(
TextureDefinitionFire parTexDef,
World parWorld,
double parX, double parY, double parZ,
double parMotionX, double parMotionY, double parMotionZ)
super(parWorld, parX, parY, parZ);
TEXTURE_DEF = parTexDef;
motionX = parMotionX;
motionY = parMotionY;
motionZ = parMotionZ;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.minecraft.client.particle.Particle#onUpdate()
public void onUpdate()
move(motionX, motionY, motionZ);

private void updateTick()
if (particleAge++ >= particleMaxAge) { setExpired(); }
progress = ((float)particleAge) / ((float)particleMaxAge);

if (TEXTURE_DEF.isTweenAnimationMode())
currentAnimationFrame = (int) (progress * (TEXTURE_DEF.getAnimationFrameCount() + 1)) ;
if (currentAnimationFrame++ >= TEXTURE_DEF.getAnimationFrameCount()) { currentAnimationFrame = 0; }

prevPosX = posX;
prevPosY = posY;
prevPosZ = posZ;

prevParticleAngle = particleAngle;
particleAngle += (float)Math.PI * rotSpeed * 3.5F;

private void processGravityAndDeccel()
motionY -= GRAVITY * particleGravity;
motionX *= deccel;
motionY *= deccel;
motionZ *= deccel;
rotSpeed *= deccel;
if (onGround && canCollide)
motionX *= GROUND_DECCEL * deccel;
motionZ *= GROUND_DECCEL * deccel;

* Process alpha tween.
protected void processAlphaTween()
particleAlpha = initialAlpha + progress * (finalAlpha - initialAlpha);

* Process tint tween.
protected void processTintTween()
particleRed = (initialTint.getRed() + progress * (finalTint.getRed() - initialTint.getRed())) / 256.0F;
particleBlue = (initialTint.getBlue() + progress * (finalTint.getBlue() - initialTint.getBlue())) / 256.0F;
particleGreen = (initialTint.getGreen() + progress * (finalTint.getGreen() - initialTint.getGreen())) / 256.0F;

* Process scale tween.
protected void processScaleTween()
particleScale = initialScale + progress * (finalScale - initialScale);

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.minecraft.client.particle.Particle#getFXLayer()
public int getFXLayer()
return 3;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.minecraft.client.particle.Particle#shouldDisableDepth()
public boolean shouldDisableDepth()
return (!enableDepth);

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.minecraft.client.particle.Particle#renderParticle(net.minecraft.client.renderer.BufferBuilder, net.minecraft.entity.Entity, float, float, float, float, float, float)
public void renderParticle(
BufferBuilder bufferIn,
Entity entityIn,
float partialTicks,
float rotationX, float rotationZ,
float rotationYZ, float rotationXY, float rotationXZ)
GlStateManager.blendFunc(GlStateManager.SourceFactor.SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
GlStateManager.alphaFunc(516, 0.003921569F);
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, particleAlpha);


float uMin = TEXTURE_DEF.getUMin();
float uMax = TEXTURE_DEF.getUMax();
float frameV = currentAnimationFrame * (TEXTURE_DEF.getVMax() - TEXTURE_DEF.getVmin());
float vMin = TEXTURE_DEF.getVmin() + frameV;
float vMax = TEXTURE_DEF.getVMax() + frameV;
float scale = 0.1F * particleScale;
float xInterp = (float)(prevPosX + (posX - prevPosX) * partialTicks - interpPosX);
float yInterp = (float)(prevPosY + (posY - prevPosY) * partialTicks - interpPosY);
float zInterp = (float)(prevPosZ + (posZ - prevPosZ) * partialTicks - interpPosZ);

Vec3d[] avec3d = new Vec3d[] {new Vec3d(-rotationX * scale - rotationXY * scale, -rotationZ * scale, -rotationYZ * scale - rotationXZ * scale), new Vec3d(-rotationX * scale + rotationXY * scale, rotationZ * scale, -rotationYZ * scale + rotationXZ * scale), new Vec3d(rotationX * scale + rotationXY * scale, rotationZ * scale, rotationYZ * scale + rotationXZ * scale), new Vec3d(rotationX * scale - rotationXY * scale, -rotationZ * scale, rotationYZ * scale - rotationXZ * scale)};

if (particleAngle != 0.0F)
float angleInterp = particleAngle + (particleAngle - prevParticleAngle) * partialTicks;
float f9 = MathHelper.cos(angleInterp * 0.5F);
float xComponent = MathHelper.sin(angleInterp * 0.5F) * (float)cameraViewDir.x;
float yComponent = MathHelper.sin(angleInterp * 0.5F) * (float)cameraViewDir.y;
float zComponent = MathHelper.sin(angleInterp * 0.5F) * (float)cameraViewDir.z;
Vec3d vec3d = new Vec3d(xComponent, yComponent, zComponent);

for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l)
avec3d[l] = vec3d.scale(2.0D * avec3d[l].dotProduct(vec3d)).add(avec3d[l].scale(f9 * f9 - vec3d.dotProduct(vec3d))).add(vec3d.crossProduct(avec3d[l]).scale(2.0F * f9));

int brightness = getBrightnessForRender(partialTicks);
int j = brightness >> 16 & 65535;
int k = brightness & 65535;

bufferIn.begin(7, VERTEX_FORMAT);
xInterp + avec3d[0].x,
yInterp + avec3d[0].y,
zInterp + avec3d[0].z)
.tex(uMax, vMax)
.color(particleRed, particleGreen, particleBlue, particleAlpha)
.lightmap(j, k)
.normal(0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F)
xInterp + avec3d[1].x,
yInterp + avec3d[1].y,
zInterp + avec3d[1].z)
.tex(uMax, vMin)
.color(particleRed, particleGreen, particleBlue, particleAlpha)
.lightmap(j, k)
.normal(0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F)
xInterp + avec3d[2].x,
yInterp + avec3d[2].y,
zInterp + avec3d[2].z)
.tex(uMin, vMin)
.color(particleRed, particleGreen, particleBlue, particleAlpha)
.lightmap(j, k)
.normal(0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F)
xInterp + avec3d[3].x,
yInterp + avec3d[3].y,
zInterp + avec3d[3].z)
.tex(uMin, vMax)
.color(particleRed, particleGreen, particleBlue, particleAlpha)
.lightmap(j, k)
.normal(0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F)


* Chainable setter methods to help avoid needing multiple
* constructor overloads

* Sets the life span.
* @param lifeIn the life in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setLifeSpan(int lifeIn)
particleMaxAge = lifeIn;
return this;

* Sets the can collide.
* @param canCollideIn the can collide in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setCanCollide(boolean canCollideIn)
canCollide = canCollideIn;
return this;

* Sets the collision bounding box for the particle.
* @param boundingBoxIn the bounding box in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setAABB(AxisAlignedBB boundingBoxIn)
return this;

* Sets the decceleration (like an "air friction" effect).
* This affects all motion axes.
* @param deccelIn the decceleration in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setDeccel(double deccelIn)
deccel = deccelIn;
return this;

* Sets the particle scale, including removing any scale animation.
* @param scaleIn the scale in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setScale(float scaleIn)
particleScale = scaleIn;
initialScale = scaleIn;
finalScale = scaleIn;
return this;

* Sets the partical tint color (but not alpha) including removing
* any tint animation.
* @param redIn the red in
* @param greenIn the green in
* @param blueIn the blue in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setTintColor(float redIn, float greenIn, float blueIn)
particleRed = redIn;
particleGreen = greenIn;
particleBlue = blueIn;
initialTint = new Color(redIn / 256.0F, greenIn / 256.0F, blueIn / 256.0F);
finalTint = initialTint;
return this;

* Sets the partical tint color (but not alpha) including removing
* any tint animation.
* @param colorIn the color in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setTintColor(Color colorIn)
particleGreen = colorIn.getGreen() / 256.0F;
particleBlue = colorIn.getBlue() / 256.0F;
particleRed = colorIn.getRed() / 256.0F;
initialTint = colorIn;
finalTint = initialTint;
return this;

* Sets the partical tint color and alpha including removing
* any tint and alpha animation.
* @param redIn the red in
* @param greenIn the green in
* @param blueIn the blue in
* @param alphaIn the alpha in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setTintColorAndAlpha(float redIn, float greenIn, float blueIn, float alphaIn)
setTintColor(redIn, greenIn, blueIn);
return this;

* Sets the partical tint color and alpha including removing
* any tint and alpha animation.
* @param colorIn the color in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setTintColorAndAlpha(Color colorIn)
return this;

* Sets the partical alpha as well as removing
* any alpha animation.
* @param alphaIn the alpha in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setAlpha(float alphaIn)
particleAlpha = alphaIn;
initialAlpha = alphaIn;
finalAlpha = initialAlpha;
return this;

* Sets the partical alpha as well as removing
* any alpha animation.
* @param colorIn the color in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setAlpha(Color colorIn)
particleAlpha = colorIn.getAlpha() / 256.0F;
initialAlpha = particleAlpha;
finalAlpha = initialAlpha;
return this;

* Set initial tint (for tint animation) as well as making
* current tint equal to intial tint (meaning this method should
* be called during particle creation).
* @param colorIn the color in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setInitalTint(Color colorIn)
initialTint = colorIn;
particleGreen = colorIn.getGreen() / 256.0F;
particleBlue = colorIn.getBlue() / 256.0F;
particleRed = colorIn.getRed() / 256.0F;
return this;

* Set final tint color (for tint animation). If it is different than
* the initialTint value animation will automatically be enabled.
* @param colorIn the color in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setFinalTint(Color colorIn)
finalTint = colorIn;
return this;

* Set initial alpha (for alpha animation) as well as making
* current alpha equal to intial alpha (meaning this method should
* be called during particle creation).
* @param alphaIn the alpha in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setInitialAlpha(float alphaIn)
initialAlpha = alphaIn;
particleAlpha = alphaIn;
return this;

* Set initial alpha (for alpha animation) as well as making
* current alpha equal to intial alpha (meaning this method should
* be called during particle creation).
* @param colorIn the color in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setInitialAlpha(Color colorIn)
initialAlpha = colorIn.getAlpha() / 256.0F;
particleAlpha = colorIn.getAlpha() / 256.0F;
return this;

* Set final alpha (for alpha animation). If it is different than
* the initialAlpha value animation will automatically be enabled.
* @param alphaIn the alpha in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setFinalAlpha(float alphaIn)
finalAlpha = alphaIn;
return this;

* Set final alpha (for alpha animation). If it is different than
* the initialAlpha value animation will automatically be enabled.
* @param colorIn the color in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setFinalAlpha(Color colorIn)
finalAlpha = colorIn.getAlpha() / 256.0F;
return this;

* Set initial scale (for scale animation) as well as making
* current scale equal to intial scale (meaning this method should
* be called during particle creation).
* @param scaleIn the scale in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setInitialScale(float scaleIn)
particleScale = scaleIn;
initialScale = scaleIn;
return this;

* Set final scale (for scale animation). If it is different than
* the initialScale value animation will automatically be enabled.
* @param scaleIn the scale in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setFinalScale(float scaleIn)
finalScale = scaleIn;
return this;

* Sets the gravity.
* @param gravityIn the gravity in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setGravity(float gravityIn)
particleGravity = gravityIn;
return this;

* Sets the rot speed.
* @param rotIn the rot in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setRotSpeed(float rotIn)
rotSpeed = rotIn;
return this;

* Sets the enable depth.
* @param enableDepthIn the enable depth in
* @return the custom particle
public FireParticle setEnableDepth(boolean enableDepthIn)
enableDepth = enableDepthIn;
return this;

* Defines a portion of an image file as the texture for the
* custom particle, as well as indicating if the image represents
* an animation "strip" (multiple frames in the v dimension).
* @author jabelar
public static class TextureDefinitionFire
private String name;
private ResourceLocation resourceLocation;
private float uMin;
private float vMin;
private float uMax;
private float vMax;
private boolean tweenAnimationMode;
private int animationFrameCount;

* Instantiates a new texture definition. It assumes that the image file
* is at a file location in /textures/particles/ folder in your mod assets.
* @param parName the name
public TextureDefinitionFire(String parName)
this(parName, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);

private TextureDefinitionFire(String parName, float parUMin, float parVMin, float parUMax, float parVMax)
this(parName, parUMin, parVMin, parUMax, parVMax, false, 1);

* Instantiates a new texture definition. It assumes that the image file
* is at a file location in /textures/particles/ folder in your mod assets.
* @param parName the name
* @param parAnimMode the animation mode
* @param parAnimFrames the animation frames
public TextureDefinitionFire(String parName, boolean parAnimMode, int parAnimFrames)
this(parName, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F / parAnimFrames, parAnimMode, parAnimFrames);

private TextureDefinitionFire(String parName, float parUMin, float parVMin, float parUMax, float parVMax, boolean parAnimMode, int parAnimFrames)
name = parName;
resourceLocation = new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "textures/particles/fire/"+name+".png");
uMin = parUMin;
vMin = parVMin;
uMax = parUMax;
vMax = parVMax;
tweenAnimationMode = parAnimMode;
animationFrameCount = parAnimFrames;

* Getter methods.

* Gets the name.
* @return the name
public String getName() { return name; }

* Gets the resource location.
* @return the resource location
public ResourceLocation getResourceLocation() { return resourceLocation; }

* Gets the u min.
* @return the u min
public float getUMin() { return uMin; }

* Gets the v min.
* @return the v min
public float getVmin() { return vMin; }

* Gets the u max.
* @return the u max
public float getUMax() { return uMax; }

* Gets the v max.
* @return the v max
public float getVMax() { return vMax; }

* Checks if is tween animation mode.
* @return true, if is tween animation mode
public boolean isTweenAnimationMode() { return tweenAnimationMode; }

* Gets the animation frame count.
* @return the animation frame count
public int getAnimationFrameCount() { return animationFrameCount; }